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Reaching the world

"And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him"

- 1 John 4:16 MEV


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Mission References

I start my introduction with a reference from Evangelist Bradley's own quote in his Evangelism hand out (page 236) and I quote " Many Christians have no testimony because they look for a testimony greater than salvation. You could never have a testimony greater than the day of your salvation. You rose from the dead, what could be greater than your resurrection?" To me this really defines the heart and life of Evangelist Bradley in our 7 years plus friendship and ministry partnership.
Evangelist Bradley has been active in joining Jesus Rescue Team in reaching the unreached people group in Ghana - West Africa which includes Muslims, Fulani's, African Traditional worshipers, students and the youth through sports in Funsi (Upper West Region of Ghana), Buipe (Savanna Region of Ghana), Sirigu (Upper East Region of Ghana). God has used him to scriptures on mission field (Mark 16:15 -20).
Evangelist Bradley has supported marginalized Muslim communities with drinking water, bought a boat and outboard machine to reach unreached communities on an Island and also built church in Burkina Faso and fed needy children as well. This is holistic missions. Evangelist Brad has always made sure he is not a burden to the host missionary, so he not only provides for himself but support the mission work with the finances God has blessed him and family with. He doesn't have a special meal prepared for him. He eats what we all eat and relate to all well on the mission field.
Evangelist Bradley is a man of the word so I can say he is man of faith.
Evangelist Bradley is a family man. He real balance his ministry life and family life. Even on the mission field miles and hours from home distance has never been an excuse or barrier. He is always in touch with them by making provision for all options possible to be in base with family.
He always advises me as a brother and say things as it is and at times it's hard to accept it without being offended but getting to know Brad tell you he really cares and love to see those he loves to become better than him and not go through the hard way of life he had. In conclusion, I will say Brad, is Apostle Paul of our time because his story and passion for souls is unmatched.
Much Love
Rev. Michael Davies
(Founder and Lead Missionary, Jesus Rescue Team)

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