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Writer's picture: Bradley SliedrechtBradley Sliedrecht

💡Interesting Facts💡

Did you know that the Word of God has the power to transform your life completely? It’s not just a book—it’s a living force that can change everything from your relationships to your inner peace. Let me share some powerful insights with you.


According to the American Bible Society's "State of the Bible" survey, those who engage with the Bible four or more times a week experience life completely differently. Get this:


· 61% of frequent Bible readers report feeling more peace and happiness in their lives.

· 40% say they find it easier to forgive others.


And those who dive into Scripture regularly experience lower levels of anger, loneliness, and even depression.


A Barna Group study (A Christian research organization) found that 91% of people who read the Bible regularly say it has had a major positive impact on their relationships and behaviours. The Word keeps them from falling into destructive habits like gambling or drinking and instead moves them to become more generous, involved, and full of purpose.


Isn't that incredible? But let me take you deeper—this isn’t just a statistic. It’s the living reality of what God’s Word can do. Hebrews 4:12 tells us, "The Word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword!" It penetrates to the very core of who we are, exposing and transforming our hearts. Nothing is hidden from God. He sees everything, and we are accountable to Him.


Let me ask you: Do you feel like you're missing peace? Are you struggling with unforgiveness? Maybe you’ve been trapped in secret sins or harmful habits or feel distant from God and His church. Whether it’s gambling, drinking, pornography, or even apathy toward giving or serving, the Word of God has the power to set you free!


God’s Word is calling you today. It’s not a passive invitation—it’s an urgent one. Engage with the Bible, let it shape your life, and you will start to look like the Kingdom of Heaven right here on earth. This is a promise from God Himself!


Let us diligently enter that rest—His peace—through faith and obedience. Because when we stand before God, we will have no excuse. He has already given us everything we need in His Word to live the life He has called us to live.


The question is, will you respond? Will you open your heart to His Word and let it transform you? Today, let’s decide to be people who engage with God’s Word and let its power change our lives.


Together in One Place—Expecting the Flame 🔥🙌🔥

In Assembling, we are together in one place, just like the early disciples were on Pentecost. Acts 2:1 tells us, “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place.” They didn’t know exactly what to expect, but they knew to wait on the Lord. They trusted in Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit, waiting in unity, faith, and expectation.


When we assemble as a body of believers, we are gathered together in one place, and I believe that just as the early believers were filled with tongues of fire, the Holy Spirit is ready to fill each one afresh who does not neglect the gathering of the saints. If we wait on the Lord with the same faith, we will leave this place with our own tongues of fire—a flame burning so brightly it could never be extinguished.


Before we move forward, let me remind you of some historical background. The early church experienced a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and we see examples throughout history where men and women were moved powerfully by the Spirit of God to perform miracles, heal the sick, and speak in tongues that others understood. Early Pentecostals believed deeply in the power of the Holy Spirit, trusting that when they prayed, God would intervene in miraculous ways.


William J. Seymour and those at the Azusa Street Revival were known to have such faith that they believed people from other nations would understand them when they spoke in tongues, and many testified that they did! This was a time when miracles, signs, and wonders followed those who believed. Today, as we explore Paul’s exhortation to Timothy to "fan into flame the gift of God," I want us to reflect on that same Holy Spirit power available to us today!


2 Timothy 1:5-7: For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.


🌟What is the Gift of God?

Let’s begin by exploring what Paul means by the "gift of God." When Paul wrote to Timothy, he referred to the spiritual gift Timothy received through the laying on of hands. This was Timothy’s calling to ministry, leadership, and teaching. Yet, this message speaks to us today because each one of us, as believers, has been given spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit.


1 Corinthians 12:4-7 says, “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord... Now to each one, the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.”


Every believer is entrusted with a unique spiritual gift. Whether it’s teaching, prophecy, serving, encouraging, or praying, these gifts are given to build up the church and glorify God. The "gift of God" that Paul mentions isn’t just for Timothy—it’s for every single believer who calls on the name of Jesus.


🌟Fanning into Flame: Spiritual Responsibility🔥

Now, let’s focus on Paul’s command to "fan into flame" the gift of God. This powerful metaphor of rekindling a fire is. Think of a fire that’s burning low, almost down to embers. To keep it alive, you have to add fuel, fan the flames, and tend to it regularly. Paul is telling Timothy—and us—that we have a responsibility to tend to the gifts God has given us.


Spiritual Gifts Require Attention: Our gifts are not self-sustaining. Just as a fire needs constant tending to stay alive, our spiritual gifts must be nurtured, developed, and used. This requires intentionality. We cannot afford to let the fire go out because of neglect or fear. If God has given you the gift of teaching, teach! If God has given you the gift of prayer, pray with fervor! If He has given you the gift of serving, serve with joy!


Overcoming Fear: Fear or timidity is one of the biggest reasons our flames start to fade. That’s why Paul says in verse 7, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.” Fear has no place in the life of a Spirit-filled believer. The Holy Spirit empowers us with boldness, love, and self-discipline. If you have been holding back because of fear, today is the day to break free from that timidity and let the Holy Spirit move through you with power.


🌟The Purpose of the Gift: Building the Kingdom🔥

Why does Paul urge Timothy to fan into flame this gift? Because the gifts of the Spirit are given not for ourselves but for building the kingdom of God.


Ephesians 4:11-12 says, “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.”


The gifts we receive are to equip us for service and to strengthen the body of Christ. When we hide our gifts or fail to use them, we are not just neglecting our calling—we are neglecting the needs of others. Just as in the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), we are called to be faithful stewards of the gifts God has given us, multiplying them for His glory.

 Are we being faithful with what God has entrusted to us?


🌟Practical Application: How Do We Fan the Flame?🔥

So how do we practically fan into flame the gift of God? Here are a few steps we can take:


a. Pray for Renewal: The first step is prayer. James 1:5 tells us that if we lack wisdom or power, we can ask God, who gives generously. Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Pray for renewal in your heart and in your giftings. God is faithful, and He will answer your cry.


b. Step Out in Faith: The second step is to act. The gifts God has given us grow when we use them. Just as a fire grows when it is fed, your gifts will grow when you use them. Don’t wait for perfect conditions—start using your gifts today. Whether you’re called to serve, teach, or encourage, step out in faith and watch how God moves.


c. Surround Yourself with Encouragement: Just as Timothy had Paul to encourage him, we need people in our lives who will spur us on. Hebrews 10:24 says, “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Surround yourself with people who will help you fan your flame, not extinguish it.

🌟Conclusion: A Call to Action

As we conclude this message, I want to remind you of the urgency of Paul’s words to Timothy: "Fan into flame the gift of God within you." This is not a passive suggestion—it’s a call to action. Just as the early church waited together in one place, today we are here together, waiting on the Lord. And the Holy Spirit is ready to move if we wait in faith and expectation.


Today, God is calling you to fan into flame the gift He has placed inside of you. Don’t let fear or complacency hold you back any longer. The Spirit of God wants to ignite a fresh fire in your heart that will burn brightly for His glory. Will you respond?


Let’s pray.


Heavenly Father, we come before You with open hearts, asking for a fresh outpouring of Your Holy Spirit. We thank You for the gifts You have placed within each of us, and we ask for Your forgiveness for allowing fear, doubt, or neglect to let those gifts grow dim. Today, Lord, we ask You to fan into flame the gifts You have given us.


Holy Spirit, come and fill us anew. Just as You filled the disciples at Pentecost, fill us now. Let tongues of fire rest upon each person here today. Let us leave this place burning with a fire that cannot be put out. Use us for Your glory, empower us with boldness, and let our lives be a testimony to the power of Your Spirit.



life and hope street

Life and Hope 

Our ministry is based in Saskatoon and has a global vision of spreading the gospel. We care for the homeless and reach out to the unsaved, starting from in our own neighbourhoods. We partner with churches and ministries around the world to train them in Evangelism, and Christian Living and to help them reach out to their communities and beyond. Our aim is to make disciples of Jesus who will make more disciples.
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