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Lesson 3 - Financial Planning Talk:
Lesson 3, Part 1:
Lesson Objective:
By the end of this session, participants will:
Understand the humility of Jesus’ life and its significance for believers.
Recognize the theological errors in claims of Jesus’ material wealth.
Embrace a Christ-centered approach to prosperity and provision.
Opening Prayer (5 minutes)
Thank God for His faithfulness and the blessings He provides through His Word and obedience. Ask the Holy Spirit to provide wisdom and discernment as participants delve into the Scriptures.
Introduction (10 minutes)
Summary of the Topic:
Advocates of hyper-prosperity theology often argue that Jesus was financially prosperous, citing examples like the gifts from the Magi, the presence of wealthy supporters, and the seamless garment He wore. This lesson examines these claims and compares them to the biblical portrait of Jesus’ life and mission.
Key Focus for the Lesson:
Did Jesus live a life of financial abundance?
What does Jesus’ life teach us about true prosperity?
Scripture Reading (15 minutes)
Key Passages:
Luke 9:58: “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”
Philippians 2:5-8: “He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”
Matthew 6:19-21: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth… For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Teaching Segment (30 minutes)
Summary of the Passage:
Jesus’ life and ministry were marked by humility and reliance on God’s provision. Passages such as Matthew 2:11 (the gifts of the Magi) and Luke 9:58 (“The Son of Man has no place to lay His head”) are often misused by hyper-prosperity theology to suggest material wealth or abundance as central to His mission.
Critiquing Hyper-prosperity Theology:
Hyper-prosperity theology distorts these passages by isolating symbolic or descriptive elements, such as the gifts of the Magi or the possession of a seamless garment, to argue for Jesus’ wealth, ignoring the broader context of His sacrificial mission.
Biblical Prosperity in Context:
Jesus’ teachings and example prioritize spiritual riches and faithfulness over material wealth. His mission was not to accumulate or promote earthly riches but to fulfill God’s redemptive plan.
7 Steps of Hermeneutics: Teaching How to Interpret the Passages
Scripture References: Matthew 2:11, Luke 9:58, John 12:6
Step 1: Historical-Cultural Context
Question: What was the historical and cultural setting of Jesus’ ministry?
Jesus lived in first-century Judea, a region under Roman occupation with widespread poverty. His ministry depended on hospitality and the generosity of others, reflecting His focus on the Kingdom of God rather than material wealth.
Step 2: Literary Context
Question: What is the literary structure and placement of these passages?
Matthew 2:11: The gifts of the Magi symbolize Jesus’ kingship (gold), divinity (frankincense), and future sacrifice (myrrh), aligning with the Gospel’s emphasis on His mission.
Luke 9:58: This verse highlights Jesus’ transient lifestyle as He prioritized His ministry over earthly comfort.
John 12:6: Judas’ role as treasurer reveals contrasting motives in managing resources, contrasting his greed with Jesus’ integrity.
Step 3: Grammatical-Syntactical Analysis
Key Phrases:
“Gold, frankincense, and myrrh” (Matthew 2:11): Symbolic gifts pointing to Jesus’ identity, not His personal wealth.
“The Son of Man has no place to lay His head” (Luke 9:58): Highlights the self-sacrificial nature of His mission.
“He was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself” (John 12:6): Shows Judas’ misuse of resources, contrasting Jesus’ integrity.
Step 4: Theological Context
Question: How does this passage align with broader biblical theology?
Jesus’ life fulfilled Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah as a humble servant (Isaiah 53). His mission prioritized spiritual transformation over material gain (Philippians 2:5-8).
Step 5: Genre and Literary Devices
Genre: Gospel narrative.
These passages use symbolic elements (e.g., the Magi’s gifts) and direct statements (e.g., “no place to lay His head”) to underscore Jesus’ humility, reliance on God, and divine mission.
Step 6: Canonical Context
Question: How do these passages fit within the Bible as a whole?
Jesus’ teachings consistently challenge materialism (Matthew 6:19-21) and emphasize eternal rewards over earthly riches. His life exemplifies reliance on God and sacrificial service (2 Corinthians 8:9).
Step 7: Application and Relevance
These passages challenge believers to prioritize spiritual values over material wealth.
They remind us that God’s provision often comes in unexpected ways, and faithfulness to His mission is more important than accumulating resources.
Hyper-prosperity theology misuses these texts by isolating symbolic or descriptive details without considering their broader theological significance.
Discussion and Questions (15 minutes)
Discussion Prompts:
Why is it significant that Jesus lived a humble life?
How do Jesus’ teachings challenge the assumptions of hyper-prosperity theology?
How can we emulate Jesus’ priorities in our own lives?
Encourage Participation:
Ask participants to share ways they have sought contentment in Christ rather than material wealth.
Practical Application (5 minutes)
Action Steps for the Week:
Reflect on Philippians 2: Consider how Jesus’ humility shapes your perspective on wealth and status.
Identify Distractions: Evaluate any material pursuits that may hinder your spiritual growth.
Focus on Serving Others: Look for ways to serve someone in need this week, following Jesus’ example.
Closing Prayer and Reflection (5 minutes)
Pray for humility and a Christ-centered perspective on life and finances.
Thank God for His provision and the example of Jesus’ life.
Evg. Bradley Sliedrecht | Faith, Finances, and True Prosperity Bible Study Series